What do you usually put in your pocket
or bag by the time you go to the house of worship? Al Qur’an if you are a
Muslim, Bible if you are a Christian, or even money?
Before entering a house of worship, in
front of the door, charity box occasionally
(sering) takes place. It seems like it’s a requirements (syarat) when coming to pray that everyone should hand-in-hand (bergandengan tangan)
to fulfill (mengisi) it to give more contribution to their religion. Saving
money within (di dalamnya) is
believed to give us more rewards
(pahala) from God. it encourages
(mendorong) us to give more money with such reason. The more money expended (dihabiskan) in the God way,
the bigger the reward is. What we can understand from this case is that the poor (orang miskin) will never get
more reward without money for such simple but valuable (berharga) box.
It’s actually comprehended (dipahami) by almost all followers of every religion
that giving alms or charity (sedekah)
is a praiseworthy deed (sikap terpuji),
and all religions teach about it. Nevertheless, no religion obliges (mewajibkan) that the committee
of a house of worship run (menjalankan)
charity boxes among the worshippers
(orang beribadah) or put them in a very strategic place so everyone can
easily take out their money. It is such an initiative of the committee themselves.
In addition, with an excuse to
facilitate everyone to show their care of the condition, whether about
constructing (membangun) or repairing their God’s Home, or to fund (membiayai)
the religious event (acara keagamaan),
people seem to be forced to do what they are not able to. And even if they did,
(it’s right that they do the right thing but) they partially (secara parsial/setenga-setengah) did it due to donating (bersedekah) without sincerity (keikhlasan)
the other hand, many kind of business can be built in behalf of (atas nama)
house of worship itself to contribute more. By using the capital from the money
collected, the independent business
(usaha mandiri) can be made and even can decline (mengurangi) the number of jobless (who could be without
care anymore to their religion).
1. What
do know about sin and reward?
2. 1. What
do you think about alms or charity?
2. Do you always want to give the best for your religion and yourself?
3. Do you agree with charity box? Why?
2. Do you always want to give the best for your religion and yourself?
3. Do you agree with charity box? Why?
(Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 0852342612767, FB: