Minggu, 23 Juli 2017

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris"live trial: for good or worse"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "human right"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "moratorium on national examination"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris"hiking cigarette's price'

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris"shops are everywhere"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "talent show shows no talent"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "eradicating illegal levies powerful or powerless ?"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "gaining public trust"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris "the power of media"

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggris " how social are you"

Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggrisThe school entrance policy is only Monday to Friday

        The school entrance policy is only Monday to Friday

Education is the esensial thing in our lives it means that every human being deserves and hopes To always thrive in education. . Education  means A life process in developing every individual ‘s self To be able to live and to wolk on undorgein  life. The first education we obtain iin the our family, followed by school than society.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud )will implement a policy of eight hours of learning a day  immediately In academic year 2017/2018.. It is Predicted that the students will still leave at 07.00 am and be back home at 16.00 pm.  but, on Saturday and Sunday will be closed with the purpose for student’s gathering  time with their family. This policy is an implementation of the Character Education Strengthening (PPK) program. "The Regulations on this issue are issued immediately and socialized soon  ,The five main values that will be implemented are religious, nationalist, mutual assistance (kerja sama), self-reliance (pertanggung jawaban), and integrity” said Muhadjir Effendy in his written statement on Monday (6/12/2017). In this program, students are encouraged to do activities that can grow Character and skills of the 21st century. Not only in schools, students will also make environments, such as mosques, churches, temples, soccer fields, museums, cultural parks, art galleries and other places, as learning resources.
But The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) asked Mendikbud to review Five-day school policy, "said Vice Chairman of the MUI Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi in a written statement to detikcom, Sunday (11/06/2017). Factors to be considered  by MUI is the Availability of faculty and supporting facilities if the school hours  are extended.  If this policy is not considered anymore by kemendikbud, It is feared that it would make learners become tired and stressed. If there is no adequate supporting facilities and sufficient teacher. Instead of being able to build a conducive atmosphere of learning  and students can learn peacefully, ccomfortably for eight hours.  But Precisely that happens is the students will become tired and stressed, "said Zainu.
Rembang’ Regent Abdul Hafidz also rejected this policy. According to Abdul, "Actually the impact of the implementation of this policy quite a lot One of  them is pocket money which wasted by the parents to be larger than usual, "said Abdul.                                                    
                                                                                        SOURCE : detikNEWS
Lets discuss !
1.     How do you think our education system nowadays ?
2.     How do you think the quality of our education now ?
3.     Do you think that this policy will be good for student ? Why ?

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris "APRIL MOP!!!!"


On 1 April celebration of April Fool's --- Each year, surely we will meet April 1. And just in time to post this article were made also coincides with the date of 1 April 2013. But of course not everyone know about April Fools. Because it is not all willing or interested to commemorate or celebrate. Even for a particular part, April Fools is part action and misguided and inappropriate thing to do. So, whether it's April Fool?
In English, also known as April Fools April Fools' Day. That is a day that is considered to be some sort of hoax or a joke to others without fear of guilty. Even a lie or a joke can also be addressed to the public in general. And celebration of April Fool's Day is always held on April 1 in each year.
Celebration of April Fool's 1 April is marked by trickery and other jokes on family, enemies, friends and even neighbors with the aim to embarrass the gullible. In some countries such as the UK and Australia as well as South Africa, the jokes only be done until noon or before noon. Someone who plays a trick after noon is called "April Fool". Yet in other places such as Canada, France, Ireland, Italy, Russia, the Netherlands, and the United States played a joke-free throughout the day. That day is also commemorated on the Internet a lot.
On 1 April 2013, the celebration of April Fool's Day on the Internet as an information medium that has become the basic human needs now, is also never miss to make a joke to the public internet worldwide. Itself as the Internet giant Google, has always made on 1 April as the right moment to make a surprise to its users. And in 2013, Google officially announced that Youtube Closed on April 1. Not only that, Google also released a new feature to its search engine called "Google Nose" on April 1 this. Unfortunately, all of this information is not true and just a mere joke. So is there any social impact of Celebration April Fool's 1 April in each year?
Reflecting on the experience of previous years, people will be hard to believe for all the official information released on April 1. History also notes, there are at least 165 people in Hawaii and Alaska resulted in a tsunami warning system made. In Hawaii, the tsunami is known as "Tsunami April Fool", because the number of people who die because they do not believe the news of the coming tsunami. Not severe?
Maybe Celebration April 1 April Fool's pretty fun if celebrated without causing fatal impact. But whatever it is, a lie is still a lie that must be ready at all costs if carried out, including the Segal; lie wrapped in a kind of celebration of April Fool's jokes on 1 April ...

1. have you ever had a surprise april mop of friends / family of you?
2. Have you ever bully any friends in april mop?
3. what are their responses when you did it ?
4. What would  you do if you become the victim in april mop?
5. If you could, who would be your victim and what would you do ?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris Advertisements in TV programs

Advertisements in TV programs

Do you like watching TV? or it’s your hobby?.There are many interesting programs showing on TV nowadays, so do you have a favorite program?
What do you feel when you are really enjoy your favorite program and suddenly advertisement (ads) interrupt it.
Do you feel annoyed, upset or even angry with that? I myself really disturbed with the ads and I think they should be banned for a number of reasons:
Ads are nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are so many. Sometimes duration for ads is even longer then the program itself. Beside of that ads give a bad influence on people. They try to encourage the people to buy and try unhealthy products or foods like smoke, beer, candies, soft drink etc. in other word, they make people want things they do not really need and cannot afford. And the last ads play role in what programs people watch. That is because there are lots of ads in popular program that a lot of people watch. Some programs which are not so popular get stopped because they don’t attract enough ads, even though those programs may be ours favorite.
For those reasons, ads should be banned from TV programs. They interrupt programs. They are bad influence on people and they sometime put a stop to people’s favorite show.   
Interrupt: memotong/ disturbed:terganggu/ nuisance:gangguan/ encourage:menganjurkan/ afford:menghasilkan,memberikan /
/play role in:berperan dalam/ attract:menarik? Banned:dilarang

1.      What is your favorite TV program?
2.    Do you agree with me to stop the ads? Why?
3.     Don’t you think that ads are interesting and be able to entertain us?

4.    If you were the owner of the TV station, would you stop the ads?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris "To Create Orderly Administrative Affairs for Kids and Teenager Though Identity Card (Kia)

To Create Orderly Administrative Affairs for Kids and Teenager Though Identity Card (Kia)

In 2016, the national program of residence identification card for kids and teenagers or Kartu Identitas anak (KIA), had by those who are on 0 till 17th years old, has been announced and sooner will be published in some provinces. For this year, Yokyakarta, solo, Bantu and Balikpapan will be applied first.
But, there still remains debatable opinion among societies, either pros or cons. For cons point out that this national project is unreasonable case, in term of the budget number which is too big, it estimates around 8.79 billion rupiahs, quoted as saying Kompas media.com. In addition, even though the pro side claimed that residence card is aim to make them be more independent, but how if that card is abused in a wrong way, because they are still unstable psychological condition.
Zudan Arif Fakhrullah, general director of residence and civil affairs of Indonesia, mentioned that this project is very urgent. Some defended comments conveyed by him, it is for having re-arranging of civil administrative orderly. In addition, it is believed that residence identification card for a kid is very helpful for them. In some cases are such for administrative business, for instance if the children or teenager want to have medical checkup. By having KIA, the kids are able to do by their selves, or even for open new bank account. The second of all, it is for protection tool for kids, especially when children get lost. It is possibly as an effective tool to find children identity early. The last is to shape into which a single residence identification card for all societies. Because birth certificate now is not run well, only fifty percent of Indonesian families own birth certificate. It proves residence identification card for children is urgent to substitute the function of birth certificate. 
But is it truly needed for children or it is only political interest which is to be a tool for success a new space for acting corruption.
To conclude that residence identification card need much money to realize it. But in another hand, it has many functions especially for administrative affairs and controlling children action.
1. What is your general perspective by providing identity card for kids and teenagers?
2. Is it important or not to have ID for kids and teenagers, why? In cases still emerged many problems which are being more urgent to be solved.

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks




Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and also Director of Engineering in Google Inc. once said that robots will be more intelligent (cerdas) than human by 2029. He is one of the world's leading experts on artificial intelligence (A.I.). Mr. Kurzweil believes computers will be able to learn from experiences, just like humans. He also thinks they will be able to tell jokes and stories, and even flirt (merayu/menggombal) girls. Kurzweil's 2029 prediction is a lot sooner than many people thought. In 1999, many A.I. experts said it would take hundreds of years before a computer could surpass (melampaui) or at least be as sophisticated (canggih) as human brain but he stated for sure that it would not be long before computer intelligence is one billion (milyar) times more powerful than the human brain.
Mr. Kurzweil joked that many years ago; people thought he was a little crazy by predicting computers would be as intelligent as humans. His thinking has stayed the same but everyone else has gradually changed the way they think. He said: "My views are not radical (umum) anymore. I've actually stayed consistent. It's the rest of the world that's changing its view." He highlighted (menyorot) examples of high-tech things we use, see or read about every day. These things make us believe that computers do have intelligence. He said people think differently now: "Because the public has seen things like Siri (the iPhone's voice-recognition technology) where you talk to a computer; they've seen the Google self-driving cars." He added.
Kurzweil’s previous predictions included giving a computer eight years to beat a world chess champion (it took seven), driverless cars which Google has almost perfected, and ‘Iron Man’ style; body armor (pelindung tubuh) for injured soldiers (tentara), as currently being trialed by the US military. Kurzweil, who takes 150 pills a day and is injected (disuntikkan) with vitamins and diet supplement every week, pushes his theory to “the singularity” - the moment in the future when man and machine will intertwine (jalin-menjalin) each other. In echoes of 1980s hit movie, The Terminator, when robots rise to wipe out (menghilangkan) mankind, Kurzweil predicts that once ‘the singularity’ has been reached, machine intelligence will be a billion times more powerful than all combined human brain power.

Let’s discuss!
1.     Tell us how far you know about artificial intelligence!
2.     To what extent you can agree that machine will surpass people?
3.     How do you think the impact once we rely almost everything on robots?
4.     Once you think we are surrounded by machine, what do you think will happen to the environment?
5.     And so, what about human interaction?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris "WHEN TV CONTROLS US"


Nowadays television plays a significant role not only in social and political life acting as a tool for spreading information and forming people’s mentality, but also in the everyday life of individuals as a source of entertainment. It affects our minds and plays a role in shaping social changes. However, It is argued that TV may be harmful as it shows more sensuality and violence, sacrifices the quality of the programs for the sake of commercial benefit and take away the biggest part of our time. On the other hand, it is impossible to imagine the life of modern society without television, especially keeping in mind the crucial importance of spreading information to the entire world.  
Violence and sensuality shown on television results a high rate of crimes and encourages (mendukung) antisocial behaviour especially in USA and other western countries. Many criminals confessed (mengakui) that their violent (kekerasan) actions or attitudes toward women were encouraged from TV. The rate of such a crime is constantly growing and mostly committed (dilakukan) by teenagers. This is now a major problem happened in modern society.
It is obvious that the control from family, friends, religion and school is decisive (menentukan)  in forming the moral values of young people. If parents and teachers are fail to carve out their proper role, then teenagers can be negatively influenced not only from TV, but also from friends, social environment and other factors.

1.     What do you think about the topic?
2.     What do you think about the tv programs currently?
3.     How do you think the work of KPI now?
4.     If you were a parent, what would you suggest us to do?
5.     What is your opinion/ideas to solve the problems?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris"Drowned by Thesis"

Drowned by Thesis

Lately, we’ve just shocked with an issue about the abolishment of thesis. Muhammad Nasir as State Minister of Research and Technology made a statement to abolish the thesis after a surprise inspection to some universities in Jakarta. He found that some college students (mahasiswa) just pay amount of money to the lecturer to get a thesis and finish instantly. What an easy thing to do by the rich!

There are some serious problems why thesis is planned to be abolished. In this case, some students become depressed because their thesis is rejected by lecturer again and again. On the contrary, some students just wait and sit in front of computer or laptop effortlessly (tanpa susah payah) without reading lots of books, making the result of research, and thinking deeply about their thesis because they have someone make the thesis for them. Pathetically, some lecturers also take parts offering a thesis-making service for their students.

As a fact, in December 2014 in Baturaja, South Sumatera, a student committed suicide due to her depression of her thesis. She couldn’t finish her thesis while the final exam time was getting closer. It is the result of how difficult to make a thesis with all its complexity and facing some arrogant lecturers.

On the other side, abolishment of thesis is rejected by some students and intellectual people. They argue that it is still needed. Thesis isn’t only about how to make the result of a research or apply the theory, but it’s especially about mental resilience (ketahanan mental) to face all problems during its process. Basically, thesis is a scientific paper based on the results of field research and literature study compiled (disusun) by students according to their basic study as the final project in a formal studies. Thesis becomes one of the benchmarks (tolak ukur) for students to gauge (mengukur) their ability based on the knowledge they have learned and also to get a degree.

Finally, give your own assessment (penilaian) for this case, please. Think deeply pals!

1.     What is your opinion about abolishment of thesis?
2.     Tell us please about your experience / process of finishing your thesis?
3.     How is your argument about graduating from university without thesis?
4.     Who to blame for this case?
If the thesis is eliminated, what will be the best solution for the student and the university then to produce excellent graduates

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks