Rabu, 12 Juli 2017

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris"Judge Someone’s Personality/Character through the Way They Dress"

Judge Someone’s Personality/Character through the Way They Dress

        A few weeks before the presidential election, Ahmad Dhani as one of the Success / Winning Team of Prabowo-Hatta was wearing military clothes with Nazi symbols in the video that was intended to (dimaksudkan untuk) support the presidential candidate: Prabowo-Hatta. As we know, the Nazis were a very poor track record in the history of the German state, the party led by Adolf Hitler that has left deep trauma for the people of Europe, United States, especially for the Slavs, Gypsies, and Jews nation that were being slaughtered (dibantai) during the reign (masa kekuasaan) of the Germany Nazi party. For them it is not just the history of the state, but it is also a very tragic (tragis) history of humanity. Ahmad Dhani’s attitude above enrages (memancing kemarahan) the public, especially some of the figures (tokoh masyarakat) and German scientists, but Ahmad Dhani responded trivially (dengan sepele) and said that: (as quoted from one of the TV media in Indonesia)
Do you give up with this (apakah anda kapok dengan hal ini?)? "I'm not going to give up, because I do not feel guilty (merasa bersalah), this is just a work of art, the skin is not its content, and the content is not its skin, I wear clothing that does not mean I embrace (menganut) Nazi ideology, the public is wrong and redundant (berlebihan) to accuse (menuduh) me as a Fascist (fasis/paham yang otoriter), even embracing ideology of Nazi,
      This raises the question, is Art not simply definable (didefinisikan/adj) as a human creation that has an element of expressed beauty,  that comes from the heart or the spirit of its creator which is expressed? It means that even though Ahmad Dhani does not embrace the ideology of the Nazi party but at least  Ahmad Dhani’s personality / character is an authoritarian if we see Nazi symbol military uniform that he wore,.  Another example: a rocker wears rocker style clothes because his spirit is the spirit of a rocker, a rapper wears USA style because his spirit is the spirit of Rapper? And many other examples that could serve as an example where we can see a person's personality from the way they dress.
1. Would you agree to the above statement that we can see and judge a person's personality from the   way they dress?
2. In your own opinion, what does the art mean?

3. Are the clothes you wear today representing your hobbies, taste, beliefs, principles, or personality?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
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