Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris "To Create Orderly Administrative Affairs for Kids and Teenager Though Identity Card (Kia)

To Create Orderly Administrative Affairs for Kids and Teenager Though Identity Card (Kia)

In 2016, the national program of residence identification card for kids and teenagers or Kartu Identitas anak (KIA), had by those who are on 0 till 17th years old, has been announced and sooner will be published in some provinces. For this year, Yokyakarta, solo, Bantu and Balikpapan will be applied first.
But, there still remains debatable opinion among societies, either pros or cons. For cons point out that this national project is unreasonable case, in term of the budget number which is too big, it estimates around 8.79 billion rupiahs, quoted as saying Kompas media.com. In addition, even though the pro side claimed that residence card is aim to make them be more independent, but how if that card is abused in a wrong way, because they are still unstable psychological condition.
Zudan Arif Fakhrullah, general director of residence and civil affairs of Indonesia, mentioned that this project is very urgent. Some defended comments conveyed by him, it is for having re-arranging of civil administrative orderly. In addition, it is believed that residence identification card for a kid is very helpful for them. In some cases are such for administrative business, for instance if the children or teenager want to have medical checkup. By having KIA, the kids are able to do by their selves, or even for open new bank account. The second of all, it is for protection tool for kids, especially when children get lost. It is possibly as an effective tool to find children identity early. The last is to shape into which a single residence identification card for all societies. Because birth certificate now is not run well, only fifty percent of Indonesian families own birth certificate. It proves residence identification card for children is urgent to substitute the function of birth certificate. 
But is it truly needed for children or it is only political interest which is to be a tool for success a new space for acting corruption.
To conclude that residence identification card need much money to realize it. But in another hand, it has many functions especially for administrative affairs and controlling children action.
1. What is your general perspective by providing identity card for kids and teenagers?
2. Is it important or not to have ID for kids and teenagers, why? In cases still emerged many problems which are being more urgent to be solved.

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
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