Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Materi DISKUSI dan DEBAT dalam bahasa inggris"HIV AIDS ELUCIDATION"


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a serious and sometimes life-threatening disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Estimated about 1,1 million Americans are infected with HIV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Approximately one-quarter (seperempat) of those infected are unaware of their status.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a blood-borne virus typically transmitted via sexual intercourse (hubungan badan), shared intravenous paraphernalia (barang-barang), and mother-to-child transmission (MTCT), which can occur during the birth process or during breastfeeding (menyusui). The patient with HIV may present with sign and symptoms (gejala) of any of the stages of HIV infection. No physical findings are found those of the presenting infection or illness.
The first case was found in San Francisco on a gay in 1981. Until the end of the year of 1995, the number of people infected HIV in the world were about 28 million, where 2.4 million of them were babies and kids and around 8500 people of new infection happens daily. By September 1996, HIV/AIDS has infected 449 people aged 20-29 years old. The total number above was based on the official records which are actually lower than its fact because of the incapability of health surveillance system in our nation. HIV-AIDS problems in many countries indeed had been showing iceberg phenomena (fenomena gunung es) that what we look was smaller than its reality.
One way to overcome the spread of HIV is by using condom. Condom is one of contraception equipment which is used to prevent pregnancy (mencegah kehamilan), to manage born rate, and prevent many kinds of sexual illness when someone doing sexual intercourse. But on the other side, there are so many pros and cons caused of condom campaign. One of the popular government programs was ATM Condom. ATM condom released in 2003. The legalization of condom in Indonesia attracts so much attention from our society. Some people agreed about that but some else denied. Some people who decline condom legalization assume that if we legalize the condom use, even though the users are not in the wedlock (status pernikahan), it seems we legalize an affair (perselingkuhan). In contrast, if ATM Condom doesn’t exist, the HIV AIDS sufferer will increase day by day.
To sum up, HIV-AIDS is potentially hazardous (berbahaya) to our health, so we have to protect ourselves, our family and our environment from HIV-AIDS. There are the simple things we can do to prevent it, we can called A-B-C-D Formula. A is Abstinence (menahan nafsu), it means don’t ever do the sexual intercourse out of wedlock. B is Be Faithful (setia), it means we have to be loyal to our spouse. C is using Condom (gunakan kondom), it means if the A and B ways cant done. And D is Don’t use drugs (hindari obat2an), it means that drug abuse is very potential in spreading HIV-AIDS, especially from injection.

1.     What is your general opinion about this topic?
2.     What are actually the causes of HIV-AIDS?
3.     Do we have to avoid ODHA (AIDS Sufferer) to prevent HIV-AIDS?
4.     Why do we have to agree with ATM Condom programs?
5.     How do you think the ABCD Formula can prevent AIDS?

                (Social Institution for Education and Human Resources Development)
                 Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl. Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
                       Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp. 085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

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