Sabtu, 15 Juli 2017

Materi diskusi dan debat dalam bahasa inggrisThe school entrance policy is only Monday to Friday

        The school entrance policy is only Monday to Friday

Education is the esensial thing in our lives it means that every human being deserves and hopes To always thrive in education. . Education  means A life process in developing every individual ‘s self To be able to live and to wolk on undorgein  life. The first education we obtain iin the our family, followed by school than society.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud )will implement a policy of eight hours of learning a day  immediately In academic year 2017/2018.. It is Predicted that the students will still leave at 07.00 am and be back home at 16.00 pm.  but, on Saturday and Sunday will be closed with the purpose for student’s gathering  time with their family. This policy is an implementation of the Character Education Strengthening (PPK) program. "The Regulations on this issue are issued immediately and socialized soon  ,The five main values that will be implemented are religious, nationalist, mutual assistance (kerja sama), self-reliance (pertanggung jawaban), and integrity” said Muhadjir Effendy in his written statement on Monday (6/12/2017). In this program, students are encouraged to do activities that can grow Character and skills of the 21st century. Not only in schools, students will also make environments, such as mosques, churches, temples, soccer fields, museums, cultural parks, art galleries and other places, as learning resources.
But The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) asked Mendikbud to review Five-day school policy, "said Vice Chairman of the MUI Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi in a written statement to detikcom, Sunday (11/06/2017). Factors to be considered  by MUI is the Availability of faculty and supporting facilities if the school hours  are extended.  If this policy is not considered anymore by kemendikbud, It is feared that it would make learners become tired and stressed. If there is no adequate supporting facilities and sufficient teacher. Instead of being able to build a conducive atmosphere of learning  and students can learn peacefully, ccomfortably for eight hours.  But Precisely that happens is the students will become tired and stressed, "said Zainu.
Rembang’ Regent Abdul Hafidz also rejected this policy. According to Abdul, "Actually the impact of the implementation of this policy quite a lot One of  them is pocket money which wasted by the parents to be larger than usual, "said Abdul.                                                    
                                                                                        SOURCE : detikNEWS
Lets discuss !
1.     How do you think our education system nowadays ?
2.     How do you think the quality of our education now ?
3.     Do you think that this policy will be good for student ? Why ?

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