Yenny is gloomy, her face is not bright.
She can’t eat and sleep well. She doesn’t have spirit doing her job. Why?
Telling you the truth, she takes a pity in her parents. They have spent a lot
of money until she gets her diploma. Unfortunately, her job isn’t balanced with
her degree. At her office, she gets simple duties like typing, and replying
letters. She wants to get challenging duties. So, her knowledge she gets from
the college isn’t useless.
Besides that, her salary isn’t
sufficient to fulfill her needs. The costs of living is higher, moreover this
country is having a monetary crisis.
Early in the morning the girl always
reads the newspaper. She doesn’t forget to open the column of advertisement
“vacancy” once she smiles to read on an advertisement that is suitable for her
talent. Then she writes and plans to apply for it. Once she is sad to read on
the advertisement because she wants to apply for it, unfortunately she can’t
fulfill it.
In her heart, she wants to get the job
that challenge her, beside the salary is interesting.
Of course, we want to have the right job
that is suitable for our education. So, our effort to get what we want is
looking for the profitable job.
questions :
you ever experienced the case like that?
is your dream job? What have you prepared to achieve it?
is the most important thing from the women in find the job: beauty, brain or
we work as our educational background? Why?
would you say if you get a question “how much salary do you want?”
(Social Institution for
Education and Human Resources Development)
Secretariat of Activities: Fort Rotterdam Jl.
Penghibur No. 1, Makassar
Secretariat: Jl. Tanjung Palette, No. Telp.
085342612767, FB: facebook.com/bpecMks

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